About B.I.C.QMag
Hear It From Here
What's the greatest breaking news you have ever yearned for. For me, it’s the next arrival of Jesus. A breaking news that would break the grave, break the law of gravity, defile the sun and the moon altogether!
This is the dot com that reminds us of His next quickly coming especially in this billowing clouds of confusion. Here are 33 scripting editions of bicq to prime you a living epistle Jesus ready.
In bicqmag, we write it together, that's why we blog. This would sure end in our rapture but how did it all it didn't start, below is all about bicqmag, our history and evolving future with you.
more in history bicq
BICQ Mag was impressed on me Olusola Olusanya Adewale at age 17 as BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY. in SS2 while at a Muslim School, it has gone through whorls of shapeshifting.
Initially published unsigned. In my holography and photocopies from pocket monies and so continuously from first to seventh edition through 2 years. Then first printed edition got signed after being strongly advices by an elderly friend Bro. Tunji Farayola at a computer school.
BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY Magazines were and always called scripts from the scripture for the readers to read them until they become living epistles.
Then a few month at exit of Secondary school, I shared BICQ vision with the now Late Bishop Tayo Odunuga of CLEM and he would have remained our Patron if he were still alive. I remember him saying, "May dream killers not kill your dream."
Afterward, because BICQ is meant to have accompanying audio versions, I also started recording them in audio version, by Matriculation into Med School, I had all recorded, no matter how whacked! Had to do this because of the busy days ahead then. All audio works are secured in BICQ Library for future reference.
Mid way into Uni, Edition 1 to 6 had been published in hard copies however rough, and an ISSN number sealed it.
Then arose the inspiring need to get a first team, to INK THE AIR and 4 of us in THE WHEELS, Odunayo (Née Aina) Law Student - Olabisi Onabanjo University, Kenny ( Née Adeyemi) Medical student - OOU, Olaoluwa Ewekeye, Linguist Student - University of Ibadan, and I , a Medical Student to at OOU. We all were able to reach western Nigeria with BICQ Edition 7-12 in print work that got better by the day and got the name of the Magazine Registered as Behold Mag- Business name Fantastic people, one of these great people is still with us as Odunayo Olashore, now a lawyer.
The Current Team publishing Behold Mag is INK AIRERS. A closer look at the first team whose goal was to ink the air over seven years informed this second team with a goal to AIR THE INK, hence INK AIRERS, to do more of putting the pulpit in the air- more e-mag focus in the website bohbup.com over 4 years and background work of discussing Matthew 24, a verse a month over the 4 years.
The team is meant to be of 7 people currently 6:
Olusanya Olusola: Medical Doctor , UK
Olusanya Racheal: Medical Doctor, UK
Odunayo Olashore: Lawyer, Canada
Oluwatobi Shoyoye , Agronomic , SouthernWestern Nigeria
Jeremiah Ishhaya: Biological Science Student , Ahmadu Bello University, Middlebelt Nigeria
Salem Otto, student, Foso University college of Education Accra Ghana
READ MORE on Behold Mag History
In an Updated BICQ Prospectus that captures 33 Topical Issues, their advertorials and Timelines between 2017 and 2020.
More... to come
BICQ Mag Prospectus
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